Community Outreach

DNS Community Outreach

Written by Santosh Kadel

Mahatma Gandhi once said, “The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others.” Delaware Nepali Society (DNS), as an organization fully embodies this saying and strives to serve people at local, state, and regional levels. Since its inception, DNS has been working tirelessly to directly or indirectly benefit every community that the Nepali community interacts with. DNS takes pride in the social, cultural, and economic contributions provided by its members to the Delawarean society.

One of the most successful community outreach programs supported by DNS is the Blood Donation Drive. Partnering with Blood Bank of Delmarva, DNS hosted its first Blood Donation Drive in 2014 and has hosted multiple drives thereafter.  The overwhelming participation in this event is a true testament to the selfless nature of DNS community members. The 2024 blood drive stands out as an exemplary lifesaving endeavor since it was hosted in response to a blood emergency in the Delmarva region where there was less than 2 days’ worth of blood supply left. The relevance and significance of this Blood Donation Drive is underscored in the article featured by Blood Bank of Delmarva.

Images: (1) DNS Blood Donation Drive held on April 13, 2024 | (2) DNS Members at JP Morgan Chase Cultural Event in 2023 | (3) DNS Members at ChristianaCare Diwali Celebration in 2023

In recent years, DNS members have also actively participated in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives at large organizations in Delaware such as ChristianaCare and JP Morgan Chase to promote a workplace where each employee can thrive regardless of their age, sex, religion, culture and national origin. DNS believes that engaging in DEI initiatives at a statewide level helps build a peaceful and harmonious society. In the coming years, DNS strategizes to foster a socially diverse and culturally rich Delaware through deliberate involvement in opportunities big and small.

The involvement in the blood donation drive and DEI activities demonstrates the core values and behaviors of DNS members. However, the full potential of DNS and its ever-growing members remains largely untapped. DNS members are motivated and eager to give back to the larger Delawarean community where they have found an eternal home away from home. With the recent registration as a nonprofit organization, DNS is morally and formally committed to being a good corporate neighbor.