
DNS Membership

DNS members are divided into following three categories.

1. General member: General members include those individuals who participate and contribute to achieving organizational goals.

2. Voting member: General members meeting the following requirements will be voting members: legal resident of Delaware and be either a) originally from Nepal or has Nepali ethnicity; b) have ancestral, paternal, or maternal relationship to Nepal; or c) have matrimonial relationship with people from (a,b,c). A minimum age of 18 will be needed to be eligible for voting.

3. Honorary member: Individuals may be considered for honorary membership for exceptional service, including ambassadorial roles, significant contributions, or demonstrated outstanding dedication to the organization’s mission and goals. Honorary members are not required to pay the membership dues.

Membership dues

All voting members are due paying members. Membership, for both general and voting members, is granted after completion and receipt of a membership application and annual dues. Continued membership is contingent upon being up to date on specific membership requirements. An individual may have more than one type of membership. Furtherance, active membership (at least 30 days in advance) is needed when exercising the membership privilege including voting rights.

The term fee structure for due paying members is as follows: single membership $20.00; family (couple) membership $35.00 (increment of $10.00 for additional family member); student (full time, college) membership $15.00; lifetime membership (single) $200.00; lifetime membership (couple) $300.00.

All membership is for the calendar year without provision for prorating. For all official purposes, the calendar year is counted from the second Sunday of January to the second Saturday of January. All members support the purpose statement in Article 2 and memberships shall be granted by the majority vote of the Executive Board of the BOD. The Executive Board shall, from time to time, review the requirements for the membership and sustaining status of any category of membership. Resignation or removal shall not relieve a member of unpaid dues, or other charges previously accrued. A member can have their membership terminated by a majority vote in the executive committee